Our Impact

Each year we have seen growth in the number of students we have engaged in grades 1 - 12 as well as the number of school districts we have a relationship with. Word is spreading fast about our programs and new districts are interested in participating. 2024 we engaged with 11 school districts and over 1000 students. Additionally, we have been asked to provide fun STEM education activities this summer to local summer camps for grades 3 - 8.


Number of Students Served By Year


We are extremely pleased how the valley school districts have embraced us as word has spread about our support for STEM education. We have done no marketing to solicit new participants. Our expansion has been due to word of mouth among teachers and requests from parents who want their children to be able to participate in our programs. We not only provide direct educational support to the classes, but we also advise and assist teachers in finding school grant opportunities that they can apply for directly. We will help the teachers with their grant applications by offering our grant writing experience to help them write the best grant application possible.


Number of School Districts Supported